League City Voted Yes to Refuse to Enforce Federal Gun Laws
Carol Keough February 13, 2013While Obama gave his State of the Union Address last night highlighting his stance on gun control, I witnessed a very different stance on gun control at a Council meeting in League City, Texas. I was there to deal with a contract matter before the council, but did witness a room full of supporters for City Councilwoman Heidi Thiess’s resolution to affirm the consitutional right of city residents to keep and bear arms under the 2nd Amendment. The resolution passed with very little resistance and overwhelming and emotional speeches by various members of the community and the Council members.
The teeth of the resolution is in Section 3 in these words specifically, “That all agencies of the City of League City are instructed to refuse requests or directives by federal agencies acting under unconstitutional powers enumerated in Section 2 above that would infringe upon our residents’ second, ninth, and tenth amendment rights, or other inalienable rights not here explicitly enumerated.”
A copy of the proposed resolution can be viewed in whole on Councilwoman Heidi Thiess’s webpage.
It was mentioned that this might bring a lawsuit with added cost to the community and several members of the community shouted out during the meeting that they welcome it. I am guessing they do welcome it because Section 5 of the Resolution states, “That copies of this Resolution be immediately transmitted to Barack Obama, President of the United States; the President of the United States Senate; the Speaker of the House of Representatives; each member of Congress from the State of Texas; John Roberts, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court; each justice on the United States Supreme Court; Greg Abbott, the Attorney General of the State of Texas; the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives of Texas’ legislature; each individual legislator that represents our district in the State of Texas; and the Sheriff of Galveston County.”
As I came home and flipped on the TV, Obama had just finished his State of the Union Speech and was shaking hands and signing autographs on his way off the House floor. I thought to myself, I wonder how many other cities have done what League City did tonight and will it make the difference they intend it to make? The legal issues in the enforcement of gun control laws are going to get alot more tricky if the feds are not supported by the local state, county and city law enforcement. Although California state law enforcement appeared to turn a blind eye to the small time marijuana grower who violated federal law, I imagine that the federal government will not see a resolution to not follow federal gun laws in the same light.